Category Archives: Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger: Rachel Joy Part II

When I asked Rachel to be a guest blogger, she submitted so many great projects I couldn’t cram it all into one post. So I promised you’d hear from her again and here it is. You can see her other post here.

As Hollow Shrinks…
“Nonidentical Repetition” is a term I got from Gordon Anderson, president of my alma mater. He used it to describe how God reaches out to us as humanity in the same ways, but it’s always specific to each person.
I created this garland out of felt hearts stitched with embroidery floss, stuffed with polyester fluff, strung together with unraveled twine from a thriftshop, and tacked it up in my kitchen.

Even as I stitched and stuffed these hearts, I did them in order, repeating myself nonidentically. And each time, there was less of a hole. I often feel hollow-hearted, but… hollow shrinks. Nonidentical repetition reconstitutes my soul.

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